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Frisian names

#Name Meaning
1 Olgerwolf
2 ReintAdvice, counsel
3 RenkoAdvice, counsel
4 RennoAdvice, counsel
5 RenseAdvice, counsel
6 RenzeAdvice, counsel
7 Riemerfame
8 RienMan of the sea
9 RienkAdvice, counsel
10 RienkeAdvice, counsel
11 RientAdvice, counsel
12 RientsAdvice, counsel
13 ReinkoAdvice, counsel
14 ReinderStrong Advisor
15 ReinAdvice, counsel
16 OlleHeir
17 OnneThe generous
18 OnnoThe generous
19 Ottefrom the road
20 Picorock
21 Piekerock
22 Pikerock
23 PiterRock
24 PomRome
25 PommeRome
26 Pykerock
27 Rikstpowerful, significantly
28 RimWhite antelope
29 Rudmerfame
30 Sakefight
31 SaskeAppears in Friesland and Groningen
32 Seijavictory, victory
33 Seijevictory, victory
34 SenneMajestic
35 SenoMajestic
36 Sibevictory, victory
37 Siccovictory, victory
38 Sicovictory, victory
39 SiebeVictory
40 RommeRome
41 RomkeRome
42 Rixtepowerful, significantly
43 Rimkefame
44 Rimmerfame
45 RindertMighty and brave or strong statement
46 RinkAdvice, counsel
47 RinkeAdvice, counsel
48 RinseAdvice, counsel
49 RinskeCounselor
50 RintjeAdvice, counsel
51 RintseAdvice, counsel
52 RinzeAdvice, counsel
53 Rixtpowerful, significantly
54 Siedsvictory, victory
55 JorrenAppears in Friesland
56 LemkeForest
57 Lieuweglorious war hero
58 LiskeDedicated to god
59 Lobkepeople
60 LoekeAppears in Friesland
61 Loetpeople
62 LolkeAppears in Friesland
63 Ludepeople
64 Lukkepeople
65 Lummiepeople
66 Lutepeople
67 Klaskevictor by the people, loved by all
68 Kenno
69 KennaBeautiful
70 JorrinBoer
71 Jorritever
72 JorrytStrong or brave as a boar
73 JortStrong or brave as a boar
74 Joucke(Bow) Yew
75 Jouke(Arc) Yew Wood
76 Joukje
77 JurnFri. form Everwijn (cf. also Jorn)
78 JurritStrong or brave as a boar
79 Karsanointed
80 Karstanointed
81 Lutskepeople
82 LykeAngel
83 MinkeShort form of names with the Germanic tribe "Megin (strength, power)
84 Monseguardian, (hand)
85 Nameventuring, brave
86 Nancoservice, grace
87 Nanjaventuring, brave
88 NanneYahweh is gracious
89 NienkeClean / pure, Merciful / or other lovely names that end with ina
90 Ninkeclean or pure
91 Nintskeclean or pure
92 NynkeClean / pure, Merciful / or other lovely names that end with ina
93 Obbe
94 Minkpower, strength
95 Mijntjepower, strength
96 Mijkeshapely clean
97 Lytskepeople
98 MaicoMkracht, strength
99 Maikopower, strength
100 Marritshapely clean
101 Meijepower, strength
102 Meijkepower, strength
103 Meikeshapely clean
104 Meinepower, strength
105 Meintepower, strength
106 Meintjepower, strength
107 Meykemarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
108 OleWhat remains of the forefathers
109 SiemeAppears in Friesland
110 TjeerdProtector of the people
111 WesselArmy defender
112 Wiardbattle
113 Wibewillpower
114 Wibocombatant
115 WicherArmy
116 WickWarrior for a booty
117 Widewide, far
118 Wiebwillpower
119 Wiebecombatant
120 Wiebrenbear
121 Wiekeglorious war hero
122 WendelaWanders
123 WanderWinkler calls this a deformity of Warner. This would have gone through Warnder, with reduction from r to Wander. The following points are apparent, this is probably true: Wernder, Hiking, Walking = Wernar, Bommelerwaard circa 1600, Wander, Waender, = Wendel Werner, Ewijk (Gld.), 18th century. The name came up in the last century in Dinxperlo. See also Werner.
124 Vospeople, soldiers
125 Tjerkruler or powerful
126 Tjerryprotector of the people
127 Tjesseprotector of the people
128 Tjetjeprotector of the people
129 Tjibbepeople
130 Tjiddeprotector of the people
131 Tjitteprotector of the people
132 Tjommepeople
133 TsjallingAppears in Friesland
134 TsjerkAppears in Friesland
135 Volkertthe strong among the people
136 WienekeFriend, Dove
137 Wiepwillpower
138 WytzeAppears in Friesland
139 YanouYahweh is gracious
140 YardVariant spelling of Jard.
141 YdeAppears in Friesland
142 YesseYahweh is
143 Yfkearcher
144 Ykehe will laugh
145 YnskeName of a king
146 YnzeName of a king
147 YpeComing from Frisian names
148 YtsjeAppears in Friesland
149 Wytskewide, far
150 WytseAppears in Friesland
151 Wybrenbear
152 Wiepkewillpower
153 Wiertbattle
154 WietekeAppears in Friesland
155 Wietsewide, far
156 WietzeWhite
157 Wilrikwillpower
158 WinnekeAppears in Friesland
159 Wiskegood
160 Wissegood
161 Wolkewolf
162 Wybecombatant
163 Yvoarcher
164 Sietsevictory, victory
165 SjirkPowerful
166 SjoerdjeVictory
167 SjoukeMacbeth
168 SjoukjeMacbeth
169 Sybvictory, victory
170 Sybevictory, victory
171 Sybrenbear
172 SylWooded
173 SylkeGhost
174 Sytsevictory, victory
175 Sytskevictory, victory
176 Siwardguardian, guardian
177 SitseThe victory joy
178 Sipkevictory, victory
179 Sietskevictory, victory
180 SietyThe victory joy
181 SietzeThe victory joy
182 SieuwerdMacbeth
183 SieuwkeMacbeth
184 Sijevictory, victory
185 Sijtjevictory, victory
186 Sikkeverlatijnst
187 SiljeGhost
188 SinenGod is with us
189 Sipvictory, victory
190 Sytzevictory, victory
191 TabeaGazelle
192 Tiemepeople
193 TiemenMan of the people
194 TijeGift from God
195 Tikaprotector of the people
196 Tikoprotector of the people
197 Tjadeprotector of the people
198 TjalieAppears in Friesland
199 TjalleFrisian name. Tweestammige shortening Germanic names thiad'volk-'(see diet-) with the second paragraph may-guts (guts-see).
200 TjallingAppears in Friesland
201 Tjardaverlatijnst
202 Tjardoverlatijnst
203 Tidoprotector of the people
204 Tiddeprotector of the people
205 Ticoprotector of the people
206 Taekeprotector of the people
207 Takeprotector of the people
208 TakoHeart
209 Teakeprotector of the people
210 TeijeGift from God
211 Teskeprotector of the people
212 ThimonHonor, Pride
213 ThymonHonor, Pride
214 Tibbepeople
215 Tibepeople
216 Tibopeople
217 TjebbeReduction of Germanic names with Diet (people) whose second tribe began with "b" for example "Behrt" (bright, brilliant, brilliant)
218 Jorreever
219 DouwinaPigeon
220 Fardoupeace protection
221 Feiepeace, protection
222 Feikepeace
223 Feikjepeace, protection
224 Feitsepeace, protection
225 FemShortened form of Eufemia or feminine form of Femme (Friesland).
226 FemmaAppears in Ost-Friesland
227 FenkeCourageous protector
228 Fennesecurity, courageous protector
229 Fennekesecurity, courageous protector
230 Fenniesecurity, courageous protector
231 Fardaupeace protection
232 FamkeAppears in Friesland
233 Falkoglossy
234 Ducowolf
235 Durkpowerful among the people
236 Ebelever
237 EddoWealthy guardian
238 EdiWealth protector
239 EdoShort form of names with the Germanic tribe "Adal" (noble)
240 Eekesword
241 Eizesword
242 Ekesword
243 Esegods
244 Fakeglossy
245 Fennosecurity, courageous protector
246 Fennysecurity, courageous protector
247 GeartsjeStrong with the spear
248 Geekethose familiar with the spear
249 Geeskethose familiar with the spear
250 Gekespear
251 GiskeAppears in Friesland
252 Gjaltvalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
253 Goosfriend
254 Gossefriend
255 Haayeverlatijnst
256 Haicoverlatijnst
257 Haijeverlatijnst
258 Gaukeoccupant of a shire, region
259 Froukjefirst wife, mistress
260 FroukeMistress / wife
261 Fieppeace, protection
262 Foekepeople, soldiers
263 Fokelienpeople, soldiers
264 Fokjepeople, soldiers
265 Fokkewilling, subservient
266 Folkertthe strong among the people, army
267 Foppegorgeous, shiny, radiant
268 FrankeAppears in Friesland
269 FraukeLittle Women
270 Fraukjefirst wife, mistress
271 FrisoThe Fries
272 HankeGod is reconciling
273 AfkeAppears in Friesland
274 Baukestrong
275 Baukjestrong
276 Bendertstrong and brave as a bear
277 BentheThe blessed
278 Biekebend, bow
279 Binneson of happiness
280 BleikeAppears in Friesland
281 BlykeProbably a variant of Bleiken.
282 Bonekill
283 Bonnebenefactor
284 Bonnokill
285 BaueA highly abbreviated and distorted in the child's mouth Germanic names, possible or Bavo Bovo, Buo (compare Old High German Buobo = Du. Bube).
286 AukjeThe origin of this name is uncertain, a nurse name (name of the child's mouth is created and later was an official name),
287 AukelienAppears in Friesland
288 AikoLittle Loved One
289 AkkeSword
290 Akkeliensword
291 AlkeNobility, noble
292 AllertAppears in Friesland
293 AmelEenstammige Germanic names with shorter-`amal efforts (in battle) '(see amel-). Compare Amal Fried, Amalia, Ame and Amelrik. Frisian name in Lexmond (South Holland). Formerly called more widespread, compare city Hamelinsbrugge (West-Vla.), 1072: Amelini pontem.
294 AmkeEagle
295 AncoAppears in Friesland
296 Assenes (sespeer)
297 AtzeAdel / noble
298 AukeThe origin of this name is uncertain, a nurse name (name of the child's mouth is created and later was an official name),
299 Bosseder Böse
300 Boukestrong
301 Dieuwertjeprotector of the people
302 Dieuwkepeople
303 Diewkepeople
304 Dillefrom the road
305 Djoerdprotector of the people
306 Djokepeople
307 Djuraprecious, precious, exquisite
308 Djurreprecious, precious, exquisite
309 DoukPigeon
310 DoutsenPigeon
311 DoutzenPigeon
312 Dieuwertprotector of the people
313 Dieuwepeople
314 Diesprotector of the people
315 Boukjestrong
316 BouweAppears in Friesland and Groningen
317 Bouwinafighter
318 Boye(Ge) offer
319 Boyke(Ge) offer
320 DauweSouth Du. shortened version of David or Douwe (Frisian).
321 Detteprotector of the people
322 Didekeprotector of the people
323 Diedeprotector of the people
324 Diekeruler King
325 Diekoprotector of the people
326 DouweDove
327 Harjo
328 JellekeValue, retaliation
329 JentsjeYahweh is gracious
330 JerreShort form of Germanic names with the stem form "Heri" with the meaning "army"
331 JescaAppears in Friesland
332 JescoYahweh is
333 JeskaYahweh is
334 JeskeKoovorm of "Ese" with the meaning "God"
335 Jetskehomeland, power, ruler
336 JibbeFrisian name. Compare Gib, Gabe and Gebben (g / j-changing).
337 JikkeHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
338 JikkieHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
339 JildauAppears in Friesland
340 JenteGod is gracious
341 JenskeYahweh is gracious
342 JenseYahweh is gracious
343 JellicaValue, retaliation
344 JellieValue, retaliation
345 JellienValue, retaliation
346 Jellyvalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
347 JelmarRenowned for nobility
348 JelmerRenowned for nobility
349 Jelskevalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
350 Jeltevalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
351 JeltienValue, retaliation
352 JeltineValue, retaliation
353 Jeltjevalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
354 Jildertretribution
355 Jildouholy
356 JitskeNoble
357 JitteWealthy guardian
358 JitzeWealthy guardian
359 Joartever
360 JolleFrisian name. In the southwest corner of the form Jelle.
361 Jorkever
362 JornFarmer
363 JornaFriend ever, Country Worker
364 JorneAppears in Friesland
365 JorniFriend ever, Country Worker
366 JornickFriend ever, Country Worker
367 JitseWealthy guardian
368 JitsWealthy guardian
369 Jissegods
370 Jilkevalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
371 Jillevalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
372 Jilleskid
373 Jilliskid
374 JinkeYahweh is gracious
375 JinneFrisian name. See Ine and One.
376 JinteSee Ine and Ene
377 JipGiving, hospitable
378 JippeAppears in Friesland
379 Jiskgods
380 Jiskegods
381 JornyFriend of the ever
382 HarkeMr / Army
383 Hinkeruler King
384 HotseHour, time
385 HotzeHour, time
386 Hylkebattle
387 Hymkebattle
388 IbeComing from Frisian names
389 IboComing from Frisian names
390 IdsAppears in Friesland
391 Idsartstrong with the sword
392 IdseAppears in Friesland
393 Idsertstrong with the sword
394 Hindrikruler King
395 Hillybattle
396 Hilliebattle
397 HarreAppears in Friesland
398 HaycoHedge / fence / fenced place
399 Hayoverlatijnst
400 HeikeHome leader
401 Hennoruler King
402 HerkeAppears in Friesland and Ost-Friesland
403 HerreAppears in Friesland
404 HesselAppears in Friesland, eg on Terschelling and Urk.
405 HetteAppears in Friesland and Groningen, Westerkwartier
406 Hildertstrong in the fight
407 Hillebattle
408 IekeGift
409 Iesice
410 Jardispear
411 Jardospear
412 Jauke
413 JeenAppears in Friesland
414 Jeikevalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
415 JelcoValue, retaliation
416 Jeldertretribution
417 JelgerFrisian name. From Ethel-ger, see Alger.
418 JelkaTorch
419 Jelkevalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
420 JelkoValue, retaliation
421 Jardspear
422 Jappiehe heel grip
423 Jappetreasurer
424 Ilconobility, noble
425 ImkeShort form of names with the Germanic tribe "Irmin" (large, great), whole, comprehensive
426 Inkeclean or pure
427 Iseice
428 Izesun
429 Jaikearcher
430 JankeAppears in Friesland
431 JanouYahweh is gracious
432 JanoukYahweh is gracious
433 JanouxYahweh is gracious
434 Japkehe heel grip
435 Jellevalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice

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